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Monday Mosaic

>This Monday’s list is a little longer than usual because I didn’t get to it last week. Yet, this is but a fragment of all the powerful information out there — and just in my little realm. When you look at the writing arena as a whole, the resources are so vast it’s overwhelming.

Because of that and how busy I’ve become and how focused I’m trying to stay on my writing, I’ve decided to keep my Monday Mosaic post links to items I discover through the various blogs I follow. Articles and information I discover via Twitter will be retweeted individually.

I believe that will make it both easier to keep up with and easier to digest the massive influx of information with less chance of over-saturating anyone or any media outlet on any given day. I find it so hard to appreciate information in huge doses.

That plan also allows for those who either don’t read blogs or don’t utilize Twitter to still obtain links to valuable sources in various ways.

Now, onto the most valuable posts I’ve discovered over the last week (or a little more):

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