A Good Reminder
She said:
Write the best darn book you can. It may be a cliché, but it’s true. I always get a bit depressed every time I read J.K. Rowling, Robin McKinley, or Donald Westlake. Because there’s no way I could ever possibly write anything as magical, beautiful, or funny as them. I can only write the stories in my head the best way I know how – and that’s enough. It’s got to be, since I don’t want to take an express trip to the funny farm. Do your best, then push yourself to do a little better, give a little more. That’s all you can do.
I feel better knowing I’m not the only one who gets a little down when I read fantastic prose or a riveting, non-stop plot, or deep, unique characters. And it never hurts to be reminded that you are as unique as the next person and that if you keep working at it, learning and growing as a writer, you’ll get there.
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