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The Benefits of Modern Technology

>This is a funny little story about an e-mail hijacking.

It was 4:30 am and I woke to my husband stirring. He looked at me and whispered, “Are you okay?”

I thought, oh, shit, I’ve been dreaming about my latest hero again. “I’m fine, why?”

“Because you were up at 3:00 am sending e-mails.”

“Huh?” I know, eloquent, right? But, it was 4:30 in the morning afterall. “No, I wasn’t. Are you okay?”

He picks up the blackberry on his nightstand — always on and charged because of his work duties — pulls up the email and shows it to me. Sure enough, I had sent him an email at 3:00 am with a link to something I didn’t recognize.

“I didn’t send that.”

I got up and checked email on my desktop. Yep, someone had gotten into my email and sent messages with some bizzare link to everyone in my contact list. I spent the next couple hours changing passwords and alerting those who had been unwittingly exposed to God only knew what.

Thank goodness for instant emails via our modern technology, right?

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