>Bit of Good News
>I’ve been racking up the rejections lately. Doesn’t matter how many times you do it or how many you manage to collect (I’m somewhere in the neighborhood of 350, now), they each still have their own little sting.
And given I had received requests for this manuscript and, ultimately, rejections on many of those partials after the agent had read the first few pages or chapters, I was (still am) thinking it may need some deep revision/alteration. (And we won’t go into what number revision that would be.)
But today I received an encouraging note from the assistant to a prominant agent. She said she had enjoyed reading the first 50 pages of SAFE and would like the full manuscript.
A long way from that agent’s desk, I know. But a step in the right direction. Baby steps…they’ll eventually take you there.
What baby steps have you taken lately?
Joan…still putting one word in front of the other.
Bit of Good News
>I’ve been racking up the rejections lately. Doesn’t matter how many times you do it or how many you manage to collect (I’m somewhere in the neighborhood of 350, now), they each still have their own little sting.
And given I had received requests for this manuscript and, ultimately, rejections on many of those partials after the agent had read the first few pages or chapters, I was (still am) thinking it may need some deep revision/alteration. (And we won’t go into what number revision that would be.)
But today I received an encouraging note from the assistant to a prominant agent. She said she had enjoyed reading the first 50 pages of SAFE and would like the full manuscript.
A long way from that agent’s desk, I know. But a step in the right direction. Baby steps…they’ll eventually take you there.
What baby steps have you taken lately?
Joan…still putting one word in front of the other.