New Year’s Giveaway: Day 14, Margie Lawson
>(Don’t miss Margie’s mini-lesson in writing body language and dialogue cues at the end of this post.)
Margie Lawson touched my life long before I actually met her in person.
I’ve always believed in on-going education. Firmly believe that anyone can be anything they want to be or do anything they want to do given enough drive and perseverence.
I tuned into on-line courses a few years ago when they were just breaking out, taking anywhere from 3 to 5 per month for about a year and a half. I discovered a lot of useless information, some good instructors, but only a few outstanding courses. Margie’s courses fell into the outstanding category.
Aside from being a cosumate instructor and extremely knowledgeable in her topics, Margie is empathetic and compassionate. She is warm, understanding, accomodating and so extremely patient.
But the key that kept me going back to Margie’s courses was the way the information she shared in each class and the way she taught us to apply that information took my writing to a new level. I know, without a doubt, Margie’s instruction brought my writing from good to publishable.
Margie is a true gift to my life in so many ways. She’s gone from anonymous instructor to mentor and friend and I’m constantly reminded of how grateful I am to have not only crossed paths with Margie, but to have forged a lasting connection.
In her ever-generous style, Margie has offered TWO of her powerful lecture packets for giveaway today. She’s also giving us a mini-lesson in writing body language and dialogue cues (see below).
If I could give any writer only one reference for writing instruction, it would be Margie Lawson.
Up For Win Today:
2 Lecture packets. 2 winners will get to choose from the array of Margie’s Lecture Packets listed below:
Margie’s Services:
Tomorrow, a very special day: spotlighting my UBER critique partner, Elisabeth Naughton!!!
********Now…on to Margie’s lesson:********
A Few Words About — Writing Body Language and Dialogue Cues
By Margie Lawson
When writing body language:
- Nonverbals are difficult to fake.
- Nonverbals emphasize or contradict what is being said.
- People always believe the nonverbals, even when they contradict the verbal message.
Nonverbal Communication:
- 93% of communication is nonverbal
- 55% is visual – most conveyed through the face
- 38% is how we say it – conveyed through vocal cues, for writers, dialogue cues
- 7% – the words themselves
EXAMPLES: Writing Body Language with Psychological Power
Jodi Picoult, THE PACT
“Em,” he said, swallowing, his voice just another shadow in the car. “Are you . . . is this about killing yourself?” And when Emily looked away, his lungs swelled up like balloons and the bottom dropped out of his world.
Brad Meltzer, THE BOOK OF FATE (two examples)
Closing the file folder, Boyle sank back and shot me the kind of look that would leave a bruise.
Lisbeth should be wearing a smile so wide, there’d be canary feathers dangling form her lips. Instead, she rubs the back of her neck as her front teeth click anxiously.
I smile when the rest of the class laughs, but Morley’s words have raised a welt on my heart.
Stephen White, DEAD TIME (two examples)
I thought I saw Alan nod as I was talking. Alan’s nods weren’t much. Sometimes you’d need a motion detector to be sure he’d actually shifter his head. I’d developed the right radar while we were together. I could tell.
She was fidgety. Not pathologically so, like Jonas’s Uncle Marty. But Stevie was taut, like an overstressed string on a violin. She carried the tension of someone who just realized she’d run out of nicotine gum.
Dialogue Cues share subtext. They inform the reader how to interpret the dialogue. Dialogue cues are one part of writing nonverbal communication. They’re one part writers often overlook.
Since 38% of nonverbal communication is conveyed through paralanguage (how the words are delivered) in real life, it behooves writers to include a significant percentage of dialogue cues in their scenes, as long as they are written fresh.
Dialogue Cues include:
- Tone – angry, sarcastic, abrasive, fawning, cajoling, teasing
- Inflection – monotone, sing-song, drop or lift at end of words or sentences
- Pitch – high, low, deep, booming, resonant
- Quality – sophisticated, nasal, squeaky, reedy, enunciates or slurs words
- Volume – soft, loud, whispered, yelled
- Rate – a breathy rush, pressured speech, long pauses
EXAMPLES: Writing Dialogue Cues with Psychological Power:
Marie-Claude Bourque, ANCIENT WHISPERS, (2 examples)
Amplified, Cadence: His voice was rich, entrancing, a caress on her beaten spirit.
Incongruence: Her voice was dead calm, completely different from the fury and sadness she felt inside.
Brenda Novak, BODY HEAT
Volume: They haven’t been getting along so great since he lost his job,” she explained, after which her volume edged up to normal again.
Jeri Smith-Ready, SHADE
Volume: “I really have to go,” I whispered, like I’d hurt ex-Hazel less if I lowered the volume.
Interpretation by POV Character: Mr. Evans chuckled, the sound as inappropriate to Charles as giggling at a hanging.
Amplified Simile: “Josie.” That sharp, half-whispered voice, the way you call a dog, to get it out of a room, fast, but she heard it.
Caridad Ferrer, ADIOS TO MY OLD LIFE
Amplified: Sosi’s voice was squeaking — a sure sign she was nervous. The nuns at school always knew when she was up to something because she’d start sounding like Mickey Mouse.
Fresh: In her calmest pre-saloon-brawl voice, she said, “I don’t want any trouble.”
Lynda Sandoval, UNSETTLING
Hyphenated Run-On: A sort of I’m-too-dignified-to-openly-plead tone had crept into Alba’s voice.
Two Dialogue Cues: She kept her voice brisk, impersonal. “I’ll need to speak with him. You are welcome to be present, Mr. Bromley.” She put all the I Am An Agent Of The Law insistence she could in her voice.
Stephen White, DEAD EVEN
Fresh Simile: “Listen,” he said in a voice that cut off the small talk the way a sharp knife takes the top off a banana. “I need a favor. A big . . .favor.”
Marcus Sakey, THE AMATEURS
Fresh: “I will get it for you. I promise.” His voice coming from a ragged place people liked to pretend didn’t exist.
Cherry Adair, BLACK MAGIC (Dad and POV Character)
“If you’re too damn busy to listen, then I wipe my hands of you.”
Jack didn’t bother keeping his dislike out of his voice. “Thought you already had.”
Fresh: “Yes, well,” he said, his voice stripped of life . . .
Robert B. Parker, SCHOOL DAYS
Fresh: His voice was so thick, he seemed to be having trouble squeezing his words out.
Joan Swan, FACING THE FIRE (to be released April, 2012; 2 examples)
Using dialogue cue as stimulus and showing response: The low, smooth timber of his voice gave her belly an uncomfortable twist.
Humor Hit: She didn’t attempt to quell the duh in her tone.
Simile: His voice was hoarse, like he’d smoked a dozen packs a day for a millennium.
Anna Campbell, TEMPT THE DEVIL
Amplified: “Olivia . . .” he said on a long sigh. The murmur of her name in that deep voice soaked through her skin right to her bones. He sounded like an angel had pointed him toward a heaven he never thought he’d attain.
Rosemary Clement-Moore, THE SPLENDOR FALLS (2 examples)
“Why are you making like a guidance counselor?” I could hear the venom in my voice, but couldn’t seem to control it.
Humor broadened his accent, exaggerating the roll of the r and the length of the vowels until it was almost unintelligible.
Tana French, THE LIKENESS (4 examples)
All the laughter and façade had gone out of his voice, and I knew Frank well enough to know that this was when he was most dangerous.
“Rafe,” I said, hurt. I was mostly faking it: there was an icy cut to his voice that made me flinch.
There was something in his voice, something precarious as the smell of petrol, ready and waiting to ignite at the first spark.
His voice didn’t sharpen, but it had an undertow that made my shoulders go up.
Hope this mini-lesson gave you an idea of just how Margie’s courses are PACKED with information!
>New Year’s Giveaway: Day 14, Margie Lawson
>(Don’t miss Margie’s mini-lesson in writing body language and dialogue cues at the end of this post.)
Margie Lawson touched my life long before I actually met her in person.
I’ve always believed in on-going education. Firmly believe that anyone can be anything they want to be or do anything they want to do given enough drive and perseverence.
I tuned into on-line courses a few years ago when they were just breaking out, taking anywhere from 3 to 5 per month for about a year and a half. I discovered a lot of useless information, some good instructors, but only a few outstanding courses. Margie’s courses fell into the outstanding category.
Aside from being a cosumate instructor and extremely knowledgeable in her topics, Margie is empathetic and compassionate. She is warm, understanding, accomodating and so extremely patient.
But the key that kept me going back to Margie’s courses was the way the information she shared in each class and the way she taught us to apply that information took my writing to a new level. I know, without a doubt, Margie’s instruction brought my writing from good to publishable.
Margie is a true gift to my life in so many ways. She’s gone from anonymous instructor to mentor and friend and I’m constantly reminded of how grateful I am to have not only crossed paths with Margie, but to have forged a lasting connection.
In her ever-generous style, Margie has offered TWO of her powerful lecture packets for giveaway today. She’s also giving us a mini-lesson in writing body language and dialogue cues (see below).
If I could give any writer only one reference for writing instruction, it would be Margie Lawson.
Up For Win Today:
2 Lecture packets. 2 winners will get to choose from the array of Margie’s Lecture Packets listed below:
Margie’s Services:
Tomorrow, a very special day: spotlighting my UBER critique partner, Elisabeth Naughton!!!
********Now…on to Margie’s lesson:********
A Few Words About — Writing Body Language and Dialogue Cues
By Margie Lawson
When writing body language:
- Nonverbals are difficult to fake.
- Nonverbals emphasize or contradict what is being said.
- People always believe the nonverbals, even when they contradict the verbal message.
Nonverbal Communication:
- 93% of communication is nonverbal
- 55% is visual – most conveyed through the face
- 38% is how we say it – conveyed through vocal cues, for writers, dialogue cues
- 7% – the words themselves
EXAMPLES: Writing Body Language with Psychological Power
Jodi Picoult, THE PACT
“Em,” he said, swallowing, his voice just another shadow in the car. “Are you . . . is this about killing yourself?” And when Emily looked away, his lungs swelled up like balloons and the bottom dropped out of his world.
Brad Meltzer, THE BOOK OF FATE (two examples)
Closing the file folder, Boyle sank back and shot me the kind of look that would leave a bruise.
Lisbeth should be wearing a smile so wide, there’d be canary feathers dangling form her lips. Instead, she rubs the back of her neck as her front teeth click anxiously.
I smile when the rest of the class laughs, but Morley’s words have raised a welt on my heart.
Stephen White, DEAD TIME (two examples)
I thought I saw Alan nod as I was talking. Alan’s nods weren’t much. Sometimes you’d need a motion detector to be sure he’d actually shifter his head. I’d developed the right radar while we were together. I could tell.
She was fidgety. Not pathologically so, like Jonas’s Uncle Marty. But Stevie was taut, like an overstressed string on a violin. She carried the tension of someone who just realized she’d run out of nicotine gum.
Dialogue Cues share subtext. They inform the reader how to interpret the dialogue. Dialogue cues are one part of writing nonverbal communication. They’re one part writers often overlook.
Since 38% of nonverbal communication is conveyed through paralanguage (how the words are delivered) in real life, it behooves writers to include a significant percentage of dialogue cues in their scenes, as long as they are written fresh.
Dialogue Cues include:
- Tone – angry, sarcastic, abrasive, fawning, cajoling, teasing
- Inflection – monotone, sing-song, drop or lift at end of words or sentences
- Pitch – high, low, deep, booming, resonant
- Quality – sophisticated, nasal, squeaky, reedy, enunciates or slurs words
- Volume – soft, loud, whispered, yelled
- Rate – a breathy rush, pressured speech, long pauses
EXAMPLES: Writing Dialogue Cues with Psychological Power:
Marie-Claude Bourque, ANCIENT WHISPERS, (2 examples)
Amplified, Cadence: His voice was rich, entrancing, a caress on her beaten spirit.
Incongruence: Her voice was dead calm, completely different from the fury and sadness she felt inside.
Brenda Novak, BODY HEAT
Volume: They haven’t been getting along so great since he lost his job,” she explained, after which her volume edged up to normal again.
Jeri Smith-Ready, SHADE
Volume: “I really have to go,” I whispered, like I’d hurt ex-Hazel less if I lowered the volume.
Interpretation by POV Character: Mr. Evans chuckled, the sound as inappropriate to Charles as giggling at a hanging.
Amplified Simile: “Josie.” That sharp, half-whispered voice, the way you call a dog, to get it out of a room, fast, but she heard it.
Caridad Ferrer, ADIOS TO MY OLD LIFE
Amplified: Sosi’s voice was squeaking — a sure sign she was nervous. The nuns at school always knew when she was up to something because she’d start sounding like Mickey Mouse.
Fresh: In her calmest pre-saloon-brawl voice, she said, “I don’t want any trouble.”
Lynda Sandoval, UNSETTLING
Hyphenated Run-On: A sort of I’m-too-dignified-to-openly-plead tone had crept into Alba’s voice.
Two Dialogue Cues: She kept her voice brisk, impersonal. “I’ll need to speak with him. You are welcome to be present, Mr. Bromley.” She put all the I Am An Agent Of The Law insistence she could in her voice.
Stephen White, DEAD EVEN
Fresh Simile: “Listen,” he said in a voice that cut off the small talk the way a sharp knife takes the top off a banana. “I need a favor. A big . . .favor.”
Marcus Sakey, THE AMATEURS
Fresh: “I will get it for you. I promise.” His voice coming from a ragged place people liked to pretend didn’t exist.
Cherry Adair, BLACK MAGIC (Dad and POV Character)
“If you’re too damn busy to listen, then I wipe my hands of you.”
Jack didn’t bother keeping his dislike out of his voice. “Thought you already had.”
Fresh: “Yes, well,” he said, his voice stripped of life . . .
Robert B. Parker, SCHOOL DAYS
Fresh: His voice was so thick, he seemed to be having trouble squeezing his words out.
Joan Swan, FACING THE FIRE (to be released April, 2012; 2 examples)
Using dialogue cue as stimulus and showing response: The low, smooth timber of his voice gave her belly an uncomfortable twist.
Humor Hit: She didn’t attempt to quell the duh in her tone.
Simile: His voice was hoarse, like he’d smoked a dozen packs a day for a millennium.
Anna Campbell, TEMPT THE DEVIL
Amplified: “Olivia . . .” he said on a long sigh. The murmur of her name in that deep voice soaked through her skin right to her bones. He sounded like an angel had pointed him toward a heaven he never thought he’d attain.
Rosemary Clement-Moore, THE SPLENDOR FALLS (2 examples)
“Why are you making like a guidance counselor?” I could hear the venom in my voice, but couldn’t seem to control it.
Humor broadened his accent, exaggerating the roll of the r and the length of the vowels until it was almost unintelligible.
Tana French, THE LIKENESS (4 examples)
All the laughter and façade had gone out of his voice, and I knew Frank well enough to know that this was when he was most dangerous.
“Rafe,” I said, hurt. I was mostly faking it: there was an icy cut to his voice that made me flinch.
There was something in his voice, something precarious as the smell of petrol, ready and waiting to ignite at the first spark.
His voice didn’t sharpen, but it had an undertow that made my shoulders go up.
Hope this mini-lesson gave you an idea of just how Margie’s courses are PACKED with information!
New Year’s Giveaway: Day 12, Alison Kent
>Alison Kent is another Twitter buddy! I appreciate her humor and her insight and have enjoyed conversing with her online. (If you’re not seeing a pattern here yet…let me spell it out for you — Twitter = priceless writing friends.)
If you go to Alison’s website, you’ll see she is a long-time, prolific author in various romance genres from romantic suspense to contemporary, and everything she writes has lots of sexy spice.
Alison has generously donated TWO books for the giveaway, both contemporaries published by Kensington Brava, both with mouth-watering hero covers.
Up For Win Today:
<<< Those two hunks right there…drool…
To enter:
One tweet and you are entered for the whole month!
Follow me on Twitter: @joanswan & send me a tweet with #newyear in the message. (Tweet Here)
Book Summary:
Simon Baptiste’s latest SG-5 mission just went south in a major way. With his career on ice for awhile, it seems like a good time to take care of some business back home in Louisiana. Simon knows it ain’t going to be pretty. He’s got some old enemies in Bayou Allain who won’t exactly roll out the red carpet. But Simon’s first night back is more than he bargained for. Not only has the homestead gone to hell in a hand basket, but there’s a half-naked woman hiding inside it—a woman whose face Simon knows all too well. It’s Michelina Ferrer, the sultry spokesmodel for her family’s Ferrer fragrance empire—and Simon’s been staring at her picture on a billboard outside his Manhattan apartment for weeks…
Micky Ferrer came down to Bayou Allain looking for her old college friend, only to discover that Lisa Landry has been missing for days. As soon as Micky starts asking questions around town, someone runs her car off the road. She’s hiding out in the old Baptiste place when Simon shows up—and he’s the hottest thing she’s laid eyes on since she got to town. Simon agrees that something strange is going on and that Lisa’s disappearance may be tied to it. As he and Micky search for answers, the sweltering heat makes it hard to keep their heads straight or their hands off each other…even as they unravel the small-town secrets that some people are willing to kill for…
After three weeks in Manhattan, Kingdom Trahan is ready to get back to bayous, crawfish boils, and afternoons fishing on the Gulf. But before he can pull out of the parking garage, he meets a curvy detour. King noticed Cady Kowalski on the photo shoot he just endured—sexy and confident, with a waifish look that belies the way she corralled him into submission using only a can of hairspray. Yet Cady isn’t confident now. She’s bruised, edgy, and desperate to get out of town…
For years, Cady has been looking over her shoulder, wondering when the gang of drug-running criminals who killed her brother would make their move on her. She’s grown used to having no one to turn to, no one to trust. But King isn’t walking away—not even when their lives are threatened, again and again. Drawing Cady’s pursuers out of hiding is the only way to end this, and it’s also the most reckless thing they can do…short of diving into a red-hot affair from which there’s no turning back.
Recent Releases:
THE ICING ON THE CAKE, September 2010, is one of the first three reality based romances published by HCI True Vows.
Contact Info:
Tomorrow: Special review & giveaway of Sylvia Day’s upcoming release PRIDE AND PLEASURE
>New Year’s Giveaway: Day 12, Alison Kent
>Alison Kent is another Twitter buddy! I appreciate her humor and her insight and have enjoyed conversing with her online. (If you’re not seeing a pattern here yet…let me spell it out for you — Twitter = priceless writing friends.)
If you go to Alison’s website, you’ll see she is a long-time, prolific author in various romance genres from romantic suspense to contemporary, and everything she writes has lots of sexy spice.
Alison has generously donated TWO books for the giveaway, both contemporaries published by Kensington Brava, both with mouth-watering hero covers.
Up For Win Today:
<<< Those two hunks right there…drool…
To enter:
One tweet and you are entered for the whole month!
Follow me on Twitter: @joanswan & send me a tweet with #newyear in the message. (Tweet Here)
Book Summary:
Simon Baptiste’s latest SG-5 mission just went south in a major way. With his career on ice for awhile, it seems like a good time to take care of some business back home in Louisiana. Simon knows it ain’t going to be pretty. He’s got some old enemies in Bayou Allain who won’t exactly roll out the red carpet. But Simon’s first night back is more than he bargained for. Not only has the homestead gone to hell in a hand basket, but there’s a half-naked woman hiding inside it—a woman whose face Simon knows all too well. It’s Michelina Ferrer, the sultry spokesmodel for her family’s Ferrer fragrance empire—and Simon’s been staring at her picture on a billboard outside his Manhattan apartment for weeks…
Micky Ferrer came down to Bayou Allain looking for her old college friend, only to discover that Lisa Landry has been missing for days. As soon as Micky starts asking questions around town, someone runs her car off the road. She’s hiding out in the old Baptiste place when Simon shows up—and he’s the hottest thing she’s laid eyes on since she got to town. Simon agrees that something strange is going on and that Lisa’s disappearance may be tied to it. As he and Micky search for answers, the sweltering heat makes it hard to keep their heads straight or their hands off each other…even as they unravel the small-town secrets that some people are willing to kill for…
After three weeks in Manhattan, Kingdom Trahan is ready to get back to bayous, crawfish boils, and afternoons fishing on the Gulf. But before he can pull out of the parking garage, he meets a curvy detour. King noticed Cady Kowalski on the photo shoot he just endured—sexy and confident, with a waifish look that belies the way she corralled him into submission using only a can of hairspray. Yet Cady isn’t confident now. She’s bruised, edgy, and desperate to get out of town…
For years, Cady has been looking over her shoulder, wondering when the gang of drug-running criminals who killed her brother would make their move on her. She’s grown used to having no one to turn to, no one to trust. But King isn’t walking away—not even when their lives are threatened, again and again. Drawing Cady’s pursuers out of hiding is the only way to end this, and it’s also the most reckless thing they can do…short of diving into a red-hot affair from which there’s no turning back.
Recent Releases:
THE ICING ON THE CAKE, September 2010, is one of the first three reality based romances published by HCI True Vows.
Contact Info:
Tomorrow: Special review & giveaway of Sylvia Day’s upcoming release PRIDE AND PLEASURE
New Year’s Giveaway: Day 8, Addison Fox
>Addison Fox is … you guessed it … another Twitter buddy. We have never met in person, but I have enjoyed her camaraderie on-line.
When I saw WARRIOR ASCENDED in the bookstore and popped the book open to somewhere about the first third and started reading (my typical habit with an author new to me), I was immediately taken my the cadence of her voice. Then I read the jacket copy and I was hooked. Then I found out that WARRIOR AVENGED is the first of her series and I had to buy it…because I never read out of order.
Needless to say, I’m a fan. After today, I hope you’ll be a fan, too, because Addison has generously donated 4 — yes FOUR — copies of her books to give away. 2 copies of WARRIOR ASCENDED & 2 copies of WARRIOR AVENGED.
Up For Win Today:
2 copies of Warrior Avengened
2 copies of Warrior Ascended
To enter:
Follow me on Twitter: @joanswan & send me a tweet with #newyear in the message. (Tweet Here)
Book Summary:
Warrior Avenged
Book 2: The Sons of the Zodiac
For ages, the goddess Nemesis has sought divine vengeance against mortal man, as she awaits her chance for retaliation against Mount Olympus. Now, after making a deal with a dark wizard, she has reinvented herself as a female spy with her own sinister agenda…
Immortal warrior Kane Montague is as lethal as a Scorpion – like the one that marks his powerful form. As an assassin for MI-6, he was an ace gun-for-hire until someone very close burned him. Now on the outs with his former colleagues, Kane knows all too well who’s to blame: a sexy secret agent named Ilsa.
When their paths cross again, the passion between Kane and Ilsa is irresistible…and possibly lethal. But they soon realize that Ilsa is simply a pawn in a conspiracy aimed at the heart of the Zodiac Warriors. Can Kane trust her? Or is Ilsa the only one who can save him, body and soul?
Warrior Ascended: Book 1: The Sons of the Zodiac
Millennia ago, the Goddess of Justice created a race of fierce Warriors, each imbued with a special power of the Zodiac, charged with protecting humanity from the darkest of evils.
Charming, proud, and impulsive, Leo Warrior Brody Talbot is fighting what may be his final battle. Enyo, the Goddess of War, plans to fulfill an ancient prophecy to destroy humanity by harnessing the dark power of the Summoning Stones of Egypt—and there’s only one person who knows enough about the stones to help Brody diminish their strength.
Since her father’s murder, museum curator Ava Harrison has continued his research of Egypt’s ancient treasures. She’s just landed the exhibit of a century, displaying the Summoning Stones at New York’s Natural History Museum. Used to working alone, Ava is suspicious of the arrogant archeologist who’s been brought in to ensure the stones safekeeping–but his presence ignites an unexpected blaze of attraction.
Never in all his centuries has Brody met a woman who enthralls him like Ava. But, bound to protect her, he struggles to deny his passion as they are drawn into a dark and dangerous final reckoning between good and evil.
Upcoming Releases:
- 2011, Warrior Betrayed – Book 3 in the Sons of the Zodiac series
- 2011, The Bachelor Game – Book 1 of the Alaskan Nights Trilogy
“I’m really excited to be writing the dark, sexy paranormals and fun, hot contemporaries. There will be another Zodiac book in 2012 along with another Alaska title as well (all titles are still TBD).”
~Addison Fox
Works In Progress:
2012, Book 4 in the Sons of the Zodiac series, Title TBD
2012, Book 2 of the Alaskan Nights Trilogy, Title TBD
Contact Info:
Tomorrow, Larissa Ione, New York Times Bestseller of paranormal romance!
>New Year’s Giveaway: Day 8, Addison Fox
>Addison Fox is … you guessed it … another Twitter buddy. We have never met in person, but I have enjoyed her camaraderie on-line.
When I saw WARRIOR ASCENDED in the bookstore and popped the book open to somewhere about the first third and started reading (my typical habit with an author new to me), I was immediately taken my the cadence of her voice. Then I read the jacket copy and I was hooked. Then I found out that WARRIOR AVENGED is the first of her series and I had to buy it…because I never read out of order.
Needless to say, I’m a fan. After today, I hope you’ll be a fan, too, because Addison has generously donated 4 — yes FOUR — copies of her books to give away. 2 copies of WARRIOR ASCENDED & 2 copies of WARRIOR AVENGED.
Up For Win Today:
2 copies of Warrior Avengened
2 copies of Warrior Ascended
To enter:
Follow me on Twitter: @joanswan & send me a tweet with #newyear in the message. (Tweet Here)
Book Summary:
Warrior Avenged
Book 2: The Sons of the Zodiac
For ages, the goddess Nemesis has sought divine vengeance against mortal man, as she awaits her chance for retaliation against Mount Olympus. Now, after making a deal with a dark wizard, she has reinvented herself as a female spy with her own sinister agenda…
Immortal warrior Kane Montague is as lethal as a Scorpion – like the one that marks his powerful form. As an assassin for MI-6, he was an ace gun-for-hire until someone very close burned him. Now on the outs with his former colleagues, Kane knows all too well who’s to blame: a sexy secret agent named Ilsa.
When their paths cross again, the passion between Kane and Ilsa is irresistible…and possibly lethal. But they soon realize that Ilsa is simply a pawn in a conspiracy aimed at the heart of the Zodiac Warriors. Can Kane trust her? Or is Ilsa the only one who can save him, body and soul?
Warrior Ascended: Book 1: The Sons of the Zodiac
Millennia ago, the Goddess of Justice created a race of fierce Warriors, each imbued with a special power of the Zodiac, charged with protecting humanity from the darkest of evils.
Charming, proud, and impulsive, Leo Warrior Brody Talbot is fighting what may be his final battle. Enyo, the Goddess of War, plans to fulfill an ancient prophecy to destroy humanity by harnessing the dark power of the Summoning Stones of Egypt—and there’s only one person who knows enough about the stones to help Brody diminish their strength.
Since her father’s murder, museum curator Ava Harrison has continued his research of Egypt’s ancient treasures. She’s just landed the exhibit of a century, displaying the Summoning Stones at New York’s Natural History Museum. Used to working alone, Ava is suspicious of the arrogant archeologist who’s been brought in to ensure the stones safekeeping–but his presence ignites an unexpected blaze of attraction.
Never in all his centuries has Brody met a woman who enthralls him like Ava. But, bound to protect her, he struggles to deny his passion as they are drawn into a dark and dangerous final reckoning between good and evil.
Upcoming Releases:
- 2011, Warrior Betrayed – Book 3 in the Sons of the Zodiac series
- 2011, The Bachelor Game – Book 1 of the Alaskan Nights Trilogy
“I’m really excited to be writing the dark, sexy paranormals and fun, hot contemporaries. There will be another Zodiac book in 2012 along with another Alaska title as well (all titles are still TBD).”
~Addison Fox
Works In Progress:
2012, Book 4 in the Sons of the Zodiac series, Title TBD
2012, Book 2 of the Alaskan Nights Trilogy, Title TBD
Contact Info:
Tomorrow, Larissa Ione, New York Times Bestseller of paranormal romance!
New Years Giveaway: Day 5, Elizabeth Craig/Riley Adams
>You may know Elizabeth Craig as Riley Adams, her pseudonym under which she writers her cozy mysteries with a culinary flair. Or, if you are a regular on Twitter with a penchant for writing-related posts, you may know her as Elizabeth Spann Craig.
That’s how I first discovered Elizabeth. The plethora of writing articles she tweets on a regular basis boggles the mind. She says she follows over some 1200+ blogs. Probably significantly more by now, and shares solid writing-related posts via Twitter. An invaluable resource to be sure.
There is no way I, or many other writers, would have access to the resources she has made available via her tweets, and I’m very grateful for all the time she spends sharing with the writing community.
Secondly, I read her debut cozy, the first in her Memphis Barbeque series, written as Riley Adams, DELICIOUS AND SUSPICIOUS. A delight! Entertaining, fun, quirky…and I’m giving a copy away today!
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series for Penguin as Riley Adams and the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink (under her own name). As the mother of two, Elizabeth writes on the run as she juggles scout leader duties, referees play dates, drives carpools, and is dragged along as a hostage/chaperone on field trips. (Not to mention her regular blog and tweeting all those great writing links!!)
Up For Win Today:
Elizabeth’s debut mystery, written as Riley Adams, DELICIOUS AND SUSPICIOUS.
To enter:
Follow me on Twitter: @joanswan & send me a tweet with #newyear in the message. (Tweet Here)
Book Summary:
Welcome to Aunt Pat’s barbeque restaurant–family run and located in the heart of Memphis, Tennessee. Named in honor of Lulu Taylor’s great aunt, the restaurant is known for its ribs and spicy corn bread, but now the Taylor family will be known for murder–unless Lulu can clear their name…
Rebecca Adrian came to Memphis to suss out the best local BBQ for a prominent Cooking Channel show. Trouble is, Rebecca doesn’t live long enough to mention a bad review. A mystery ingredient has killed her–and now all fingers are pointing to Aunt Pat’s restaurant. Horrified that her family is being accused of murder, Lulu fires up her investigative skills to solve the crime before someone else gets skewered…
Works In Progress:
Elizabeth’s second book in the Memphis Barbeque series, FINGER LICKING DEAD, comes out June 7, 2011 from Penguin books.
The third book in the series is set to launch in November, 2011.
Contact Info:
Have a great weekend everyone!
Monday, the giveaway continues with erotic romance author Lauren Dane!
>New Years Giveaway: Day 5, Elizabeth Craig/Riley Adams
>You may know Elizabeth Craig as Riley Adams, her pseudonym under which she writers her cozy mysteries with a culinary flair. Or, if you are a regular on Twitter with a penchant for writing-related posts, you may know her as Elizabeth Spann Craig.
That’s how I first discovered Elizabeth. The plethora of writing articles she tweets on a regular basis boggles the mind. She says she follows over some 1200+ blogs. Probably significantly more by now, and shares solid writing-related posts via Twitter. An invaluable resource to be sure.
There is no way I, or many other writers, would have access to the resources she has made available via her tweets, and I’m very grateful for all the time she spends sharing with the writing community.
Secondly, I read her debut cozy, the first in her Memphis Barbeque series, written as Riley Adams, DELICIOUS AND SUSPICIOUS. A delight! Entertaining, fun, quirky…and I’m giving a copy away today!
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series for Penguin as Riley Adams and the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink (under her own name). As the mother of two, Elizabeth writes on the run as she juggles scout leader duties, referees play dates, drives carpools, and is dragged along as a hostage/chaperone on field trips. (Not to mention her regular blog and tweeting all those great writing links!!)
Up For Win Today:
Elizabeth’s debut mystery, written as Riley Adams, DELICIOUS AND SUSPICIOUS.
To enter:
Follow me on Twitter: @joanswan & send me a tweet with #newyear in the message. (Tweet Here)
Book Summary:
Welcome to Aunt Pat’s barbeque restaurant–family run and located in the heart of Memphis, Tennessee. Named in honor of Lulu Taylor’s great aunt, the restaurant is known for its ribs and spicy corn bread, but now the Taylor family will be known for murder–unless Lulu can clear their name…
Rebecca Adrian came to Memphis to suss out the best local BBQ for a prominent Cooking Channel show. Trouble is, Rebecca doesn’t live long enough to mention a bad review. A mystery ingredient has killed her–and now all fingers are pointing to Aunt Pat’s restaurant. Horrified that her family is being accused of murder, Lulu fires up her investigative skills to solve the crime before someone else gets skewered…
Works In Progress:
Elizabeth’s second book in the Memphis Barbeque series, FINGER LICKING DEAD, comes out June 7, 2011 from Penguin books.
The third book in the series is set to launch in November, 2011.
Contact Info:
Have a great weekend everyone!
Monday, the giveaway continues with erotic romance author Lauren Dane!
>New Years Giveaway: Day 4, Monica Burns
>Monica Burns and I are Twitter buddies. By now, that’s probably become familiar news to you all. I have met quite a few of my author-friends on Twitter.
As an author living in a small community without in-person access to an RWA chapter or other romance writers within about 150 miles, I thank God for social media.
Monica is an award winning erotic and historical romance author. She is a 2005 RWA Golden Heart Finalist as well as a 2009 Eppie winner!
She is also running a promotional blog from January 17th through March 1st starring more than 35 bestselling historical romance authors, including Sabrina Jeffries, Madeline Hunter, Lorraine Heath, Sarah MacLean, Julianne MacLean, Lucy Monroe and many more!
Up For Win Today:
Monica’s most recent release, PLEASURE ME. Talk about a scorching cover…this one burns right through the screen! Gorgeous!!!
(Note: This book is not available until March 2011)
To Enter:
Follow me on Twitter: @joanswan & send me a tweet with #newyear in the message. (Tweet Here)
Book Summary:
Youth and beauty are a courtesan’s greatest assets. At forty-one, Lady Ruth Attwood appears to have lost both, as her latest lover just abandoned her for a younger mistress. Struggling with the knowledge that she’s no longer considered desirable, she’s uncertain whether to be offended or flattered when a younger man makes her an unusual offer. In need of funds, she agrees. But then she does the unthinkable. She falls in love.
Despite his reputation as a man’s man, Baron Garrick Stratfield has never been with a woman. His physical impairment is such that he knows not even a whore will touch him, and he needs a mistress who’s willing to be kept without sharing his bed. But passion is just a delicious kiss away because his new mistress is wreaking havoc with his senses. Worse yet, someone is not only out to ruin his reputation, but frame him for murder.
Read First Three Chapters: HERE
Works In Progress:
INFERNO’S KISS, the third book in the Sicari series.
Contact Info:
Promotional Blog: Begins Jan 17th and runs through March 1. Daily giveaways & grand prize
Tomorrow: Elizabeth Craig, writing as Riley Adams, mystery writer and blogger extraordinaire!
New Years Giveaway: Day 4, Monica Burns
>Monica Burns and I are Twitter buddies. By now, that’s probably become familiar news to you all. I have met quite a few of my author-friends on Twitter.
As an author living in a small community without in-person access to an RWA chapter or other romance writers within about 150 miles, I thank God for social media.
Monica is an award winning erotic and historical romance author. She is a 2005 RWA Golden Heart Finalist as well as a 2009 Eppie winner!
She is also running a promotional blog from January 17th through March 1st starring more than 35 bestselling historical romance authors, including Sabrina Jeffries, Madeline Hunter, Lorraine Heath, Sarah MacLean, Julianne MacLean, Lucy Monroe and many more!
Up For Win Today:
Monica’s most recent release, PLEASURE ME. Talk about a scorching cover…this one burns right through the screen! Gorgeous!!!
(Note: This book is not available until March 2011)
To Enter:
Follow me on Twitter: @joanswan & send me a tweet with #newyear in the message. (Tweet Here)
Book Summary:
Youth and beauty are a courtesan’s greatest assets. At forty-one, Lady Ruth Attwood appears to have lost both, as her latest lover just abandoned her for a younger mistress. Struggling with the knowledge that she’s no longer considered desirable, she’s uncertain whether to be offended or flattered when a younger man makes her an unusual offer. In need of funds, she agrees. But then she does the unthinkable. She falls in love.
Despite his reputation as a man’s man, Baron Garrick Stratfield has never been with a woman. His physical impairment is such that he knows not even a whore will touch him, and he needs a mistress who’s willing to be kept without sharing his bed. But passion is just a delicious kiss away because his new mistress is wreaking havoc with his senses. Worse yet, someone is not only out to ruin his reputation, but frame him for murder.
Read First Three Chapters: HERE
Works In Progress:
INFERNO’S KISS, the third book in the Sicari series.
Contact Info:
Promotional Blog: Begins Jan 17th and runs through March 1. Daily giveaways & grand prize
Tomorrow: Elizabeth Craig, writing as Riley Adams, mystery writer and blogger extraordinaire!