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>Monday Mosaic

>Wow, have my sources been pumping out the great stuff this week! Can hardly keep up! And trying to whittle it down? Jeez, tough!

Enjoy my top picks. Some real thought-provokers here.

As Soon As You Care, You Lose, by Naomi Dunsford at IttyBiz

15 Reader Frustrations to Avoid in Your Novel, by Suzannah at Write It Sideways

Meditate Your Way to Better Writing, by Brad at Brad’s Reader

Who’s A Writing Genius, by Georganna Hancock at A Writer’s Edge
Simplify Your Workday, by Leo Babauta at Zen Habits
Marketing Your First Book, by Joanna Penn at The Creative Penn

A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to Deadline, by R.L. Lafevers at Shrinking Violet Promotions

Writers’ Obssession With Amazon Sales, by Amy Dawson Robertson at Mystery Writing is Murder

Tips From the Road Warrior (Booksigning), by L. Diane Wolfe at Marketing Tips for Authors