>Cookies are in!!
>Girl Scout cookies are here! An my garage is FILLED with them. 111 CASES to be exact.
From Jan – March, I am officially, the Cookie Nazi! (A.K.A. Cookie mom.)
And I was going to start back on my healthy eating and excercise road on Monday! My goal is to lose the remaining 24 pounds I’d like to lose (lost 26 already) before Nationals in July. And now — those DANG cookies are calling to me from the garage.
The new flavor this year is named Lemonades. Oh. My. God. Shortbread cookies with vanilla-lemon icing. They are to die for (and I’m not even a big lemon fan).
Here’s a complete list:
- Caramel deLights: coconut, caramel and chocolate
- Shortbread: traditional shortbread recipe
- Thanks-A-Lot: shortbread with chocolate
- Thin Mints: Chocolate mint wafer with chocolate coating
- Peanut Butter Patties: peanut butter wafer with creammy filling and chocolate coating
- Peanut Butter Sandwich: peanut butter wafers with creamy peanut butter-flavored filling
- Cartwheels: Oatmeal and cinnamon–low-fat, too.
- Lemonades: Described above.
This is soooo not good.
What IS good is that this year the Girl Scouts have put together a donation program. If you’d like to donate cookies to the U.S. Military troops overseas, you can pay the regular $4 a box and GS will ship the cookies.
The donation is tax deductable when you buy for troops (as opposed to buying for yourself) so, it’s a great thing.
You should buy from those girls you’ll be seeing stationed outside your supermarkets and drug stores, etc. Or, you could buy through me and pay via Paypal. I’ll even kick in the deduction Paypal takes for the transaction, and mail you the deducation form. If you live somewhere where you don’t have access to these delicacies and don’t mind paying the shipping, I’ll send them to you also.
E-mail me at ultraswan @ hotmail . com (without spaces, of course) if you’re interested.
Remember – almost $1 per box goes directly to the local girl scout troop, so support your neighborhood girls!