>Wait, wait, wait….bam!
>Patience. It’s not my strongest attribute. But today has been one of those “patient paydays”.
My youngest daughter hurt her ankle for the second time 7 months ago and has been suffering ever since. We’ve tried everything. Finally requested an MRI, which was denied, then appealed, then approved.
We got that MRI today.
My job at UCSF Medical center had been–supposedly–approved to transition from per diem to permanent in December, 2009.
Just got my confirmed offer letter today.
I entered the Daphne unpublished, or Daphne de Murier, contest back in March.
Heard today that I finalled in the Single Title Romantic Suspense and one of the final judges is an editor at MIRA, a house I’d love to write for.
My tarot year card (as well as one of my birth cards) is Temperance, as seen here. Temperance is all about cultivating patience.
Guess 2010 is definitely my patience testing ground. Happy it’s a patience pay day today!