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word count

Word Count & Keeping Up

> As you can see, my word count has been somewhat sketchy lately. Either fatigue from work or craziness from the family has been interfering.

But I’ve taken some steps to address those issues and hoping this coming week will be better.

And although not perfect, I’m still happy with the totals. Always seeking improvement. But sometimes keeping up with work, travel, family and health feels like running up the down escalator.

>Word Count & Keeping Up

> As you can see, my word count has been somewhat sketchy lately. Either fatigue from work or craziness from the family has been interfering.

But I’ve taken some steps to address those issues and hoping this coming week will be better.

And although not perfect, I’m still happy with the totals. Always seeking improvement. But sometimes keeping up with work, travel, family and health feels like running up the down escalator.

New Graph


I’ve been looking for something relatively easy and dynamic to use for keeping track of my word count. Yes, I have my revision and fresh word counts on the right bar, but I wanted something to account more for my daily progress. As you can see, I’ve arranged my goal word counts to coincide with days I’m working at the day job and days I’m not.

Since I’m rather particular about what things look like/how they are designed yet not a computer programming guru fluent in three languages, I have reverted to searching the web and various software programs.

So far, this is the closest I’ve found to what I want. It’s only drawbacksat the moment: 1) It’s not dynamic, maening I have to change, save and upload every time, and 2) I can’t choose it’s size, which for use on my blog is a bit large. Otherwise, I really like it. One way around that, is to upload it to blogger as “small” or “medium”. Here, I’ve uploaded it as “medium”.

Best yet, it’s free, flexible, cusomizable. If you want a graph of your own, check it out here:

http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/default.aspx It’s even got a tutorial and sample graphs you can simply alter to fit your needs. Rather awesome IMHO

>New Graph


I’ve been looking for something relatively easy and dynamic to use for keeping track of my word count. Yes, I have my revision and fresh word counts on the right bar, but I wanted something to account more for my daily progress. As you can see, I’ve arranged my goal word counts to coincide with days I’m working at the day job and days I’m not.

Since I’m rather particular about what things look like/how they are designed yet not a computer programming guru fluent in three languages, I have reverted to searching the web and various software programs.

So far, this is the closest I’ve found to what I want. It’s only drawbacksat the moment: 1) It’s not dynamic, maening I have to change, save and upload every time, and 2) I can’t choose it’s size, which for use on my blog is a bit large. Otherwise, I really like it. One way around that, is to upload it to blogger as “small” or “medium”. Here, I’ve uploaded it as “medium”.

Best yet, it’s free, flexible, cusomizable. If you want a graph of your own, check it out here:

http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/default.aspx It’s even got a tutorial and sample graphs you can simply alter to fit your needs. Rather awesome IMHO

Porno & Word Count

>Bet that porno reference dragged you in, huh?

If so, check out my blog (posted a tad early) on RWKF — Pornography vs. Romance.

As for me, my word count for the day is 1258 — which, I have to admit, does include my blog write-up.

I know–whimpy. But some days you just gotta take it where you can get it.

>Porno & Word Count

>Bet that porno reference dragged you in, huh?

If so, check out my blog (posted a tad early) on RWKF — Pornography vs. Romance.

As for me, my word count for the day is 1258 — which, I have to admit, does include my blog write-up.

I know–whimpy. But some days you just gotta take it where you can get it.

>Word Count Update

>Okay. I eeked them out…all 1092 of them.

Man, today was painful. But I’m done.

Jeez…what day is this? Only day 4?????

God help me.

Word Count Update

>Okay. I eeked them out…all 1092 of them.

Man, today was painful. But I’m done.

Jeez…what day is this? Only day 4?????

God help me.

Word Count

>Not much to report today except word count. Today’s progress: 1695 words.

What progress did you make today, in writing or in life?