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first novels

Ever look back?


I did today, and … **cringe**

A fellow writer posted a request for someone who spoke Portugese — Brazilian Portugese, which is different than regular Portugese. My first novel was based in the Amazon Rain Forest, so long ago, I’d elicited the help of another writer’s cousin to translate a few things for me.

In offering those translations to this other writer now, I went through that manuscript and found myself reading a passage here and there.

**double cringe**

It wasn’t pretty. While I like the premise and the setting and the characters, it will have to be completely torn apart and created anew. I’ll have to just take the kernels worth keeping and rebuild something completely different around them to make it work.

Do you ever look back? When/if you do, how do you feel about what you’ve written in the past?

>Ever look back?


I did today, and … **cringe**

A fellow writer posted a request for someone who spoke Portugese — Brazilian Portugese, which is different than regular Portugese. My first novel was based in the Amazon Rain Forest, so long ago, I’d elicited the help of another writer’s cousin to translate a few things for me.

In offering those translations to this other writer now, I went through that manuscript and found myself reading a passage here and there.

**double cringe**

It wasn’t pretty. While I like the premise and the setting and the characters, it will have to be completely torn apart and created anew. I’ll have to just take the kernels worth keeping and rebuild something completely different around them to make it work.

Do you ever look back? When/if you do, how do you feel about what you’ve written in the past?