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Erin O’riordan

>Internet Resources For Writers

>My guest today, Erin O’Riordan currently has a promotion running: EMINENT DOMAIN is now out in paperback! http://t.co/7KmgK4S Or get it free (limited time) on Smashwords w/code FG99J

Internet Resources For Writers
By Erin O’Riordan

When I first began writing professionally in 2006, one of the first things I did was pick through my copy of Writer’s Market for every resource I could find. Writer’s Market, published once a year, has a list of helpful websites and other resources a writer might be interested in. I looked at many of the websites listed there, hoping to find that magical website that would make me a wealthy and creatively satisfied author. Almost four years later, I still haven’t found the “magical” website. I have, however, created this list of resources I regularly turn to and have found helpful.

1. Writing For DOLLARS! (http://www.writingfordollars.com/)
Edited by Dan Case, Writing For DOLLARS is a free, online newletter updated once a week (usually on Tuesdays). Each newsletter contains an editor’s letter from Case, one or more featured articles about the craft and business of writing, and a list of guidelines for high-, medium-, and low-paying markets seeking submissions. The Writing For DOLLARS website also maintains a database of literally hundreds of paying markets for short stories and nonfiction articles. Readers can sign up for the e-mail version of the newsletter to have a weekly update mailed to their inboxes.

2. Ezine Articles (http://www.ezinearticles.com/)
If you don’t mind sharing your work for no dollars, a creative way to get some more exposure for your previously published articles is Ezine Articles. This website allows members (membership is free) to submit personal experience and opinion articles to the website. Articles are subject to rather strict editorial guidelines and must be approved before they will be posted, but if you happen to have work sitting around that meets the guidelines, you may want to check this one out.

3. Anthology Builder (http://www.anthologybuilder.com/welcome.php)
This is another place to re-use your previously published work, focusing on short fiction and essays in the horror, fantasy and science fiction genres. Anthology Builder users can browse the site’s selection of stories and cherry-pick custom anthologies using only the authors and stories they choose. Unlike Ezine Articles, Anthology Builder pays when a member uses one of your essays or short stories.

4. Writer Gazette (http://www.writergazette.com/)
Edited and maintained by Krista Barrett, Writer Gazette is packed with useful information. Users can sign up for e-mailed newsletter, which contain a database of book reviewers, calls for submissions, open job postings for writers, a brag board, and more.

5. Reporter’s Source (http://www.reporterssource.com/)
The purpose of Reporter’s Source is to connect journalists working on stories to sources who can give them information. You can either use it to find a source for a story you’re working on or to help a fellow writer with his or her own story. You can have a daily e-mail digest sent to you to get the newest leads.

6. Erotica Readers & Writers Association (http://www.erotica-readers.com/)
This website isn’t for anyone under the age of 18, and it certainly won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. However, if you happen to be a writer whose subjects include the sensual pleasures of life, this website contains a wealth of tips and links, as well as an excellent, frequently updated “Calls For Submissions” page.

7. Beyond Her Book Blog (http://www.publishersweekly.com/blog/880000288/post/700046070.html)
Written out of sheer love for books by Publisher’s Weekly editor Barbara Vey, the Beyond Her Book blog features new books all the time. There are trailers, interviews, give-aways, and tons of book reviews.

Erin O’Riordan lives in the Midwestern United States with her husband, her co-author on a series of crime thrillers. She also writes the Pagan Spirits romance novel series. Her short stories, essays, and film reviews have been published in numerous anthologies, magazines and websites. A trap designed to catch her should contain dark chocolate, espresso drinks and Christian Bale movies.

You can find Erin:
Melange Books

Internet Resources For Writers

>My guest today, Erin O’Riordan currently has a promotion running: EMINENT DOMAIN is now out in paperback! http://t.co/7KmgK4S Or get it free (limited time) on Smashwords w/code FG99J

Internet Resources For Writers
By Erin O’Riordan

When I first began writing professionally in 2006, one of the first things I did was pick through my copy of Writer’s Market for every resource I could find. Writer’s Market, published once a year, has a list of helpful websites and other resources a writer might be interested in. I looked at many of the websites listed there, hoping to find that magical website that would make me a wealthy and creatively satisfied author. Almost four years later, I still haven’t found the “magical” website. I have, however, created this list of resources I regularly turn to and have found helpful.

1. Writing For DOLLARS! (http://www.writingfordollars.com/)
Edited by Dan Case, Writing For DOLLARS is a free, online newletter updated once a week (usually on Tuesdays). Each newsletter contains an editor’s letter from Case, one or more featured articles about the craft and business of writing, and a list of guidelines for high-, medium-, and low-paying markets seeking submissions. The Writing For DOLLARS website also maintains a database of literally hundreds of paying markets for short stories and nonfiction articles. Readers can sign up for the e-mail version of the newsletter to have a weekly update mailed to their inboxes.

2. Ezine Articles (http://www.ezinearticles.com/)
If you don’t mind sharing your work for no dollars, a creative way to get some more exposure for your previously published articles is Ezine Articles. This website allows members (membership is free) to submit personal experience and opinion articles to the website. Articles are subject to rather strict editorial guidelines and must be approved before they will be posted, but if you happen to have work sitting around that meets the guidelines, you may want to check this one out.

3. Anthology Builder (http://www.anthologybuilder.com/welcome.php)
This is another place to re-use your previously published work, focusing on short fiction and essays in the horror, fantasy and science fiction genres. Anthology Builder users can browse the site’s selection of stories and cherry-pick custom anthologies using only the authors and stories they choose. Unlike Ezine Articles, Anthology Builder pays when a member uses one of your essays or short stories.

4. Writer Gazette (http://www.writergazette.com/)
Edited and maintained by Krista Barrett, Writer Gazette is packed with useful information. Users can sign up for e-mailed newsletter, which contain a database of book reviewers, calls for submissions, open job postings for writers, a brag board, and more.

5. Reporter’s Source (http://www.reporterssource.com/)
The purpose of Reporter’s Source is to connect journalists working on stories to sources who can give them information. You can either use it to find a source for a story you’re working on or to help a fellow writer with his or her own story. You can have a daily e-mail digest sent to you to get the newest leads.

6. Erotica Readers & Writers Association (http://www.erotica-readers.com/)
This website isn’t for anyone under the age of 18, and it certainly won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. However, if you happen to be a writer whose subjects include the sensual pleasures of life, this website contains a wealth of tips and links, as well as an excellent, frequently updated “Calls For Submissions” page.

7. Beyond Her Book Blog (http://www.publishersweekly.com/blog/880000288/post/700046070.html)
Written out of sheer love for books by Publisher’s Weekly editor Barbara Vey, the Beyond Her Book blog features new books all the time. There are trailers, interviews, give-aways, and tons of book reviews.

Erin O’Riordan lives in the Midwestern United States with her husband, her co-author on a series of crime thrillers. She also writes the Pagan Spirits romance novel series. Her short stories, essays, and film reviews have been published in numerous anthologies, magazines and websites. A trap designed to catch her should contain dark chocolate, espresso drinks and Christian Bale movies.

You can find Erin:
Melange Books

Writers Are Troublemakers, Too

>My guest today, Erin O’Riordan, currently has a FREE erotica anthology available at Smashwords through 7/31

…And I don’t need a single book to teach me how to read
Who needs stupid books? They are for petty crooks…”

(“Troublemaker,” lyrics by Rivers Cuomo. From Weezer’s self-titled 2008 album)

Okay, so at first glance, Weezer’s pop-rock tune “Troublemaker” hardly seems like inspiration for us writers. No one wants to be called a “petty crook,” and the L.A.-based alternative rock band’s sound isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. (Some of the lyrics, though not the ones I’ll be discussing, are also slightly risque.) The guys of Weezer have come up with some quite original and witty lyrics over the years, though, and on closer inspection, “Troublemaker” has some good lessons for writers after all. Consider some of the lines that follow the “petty crooks” remark:

–“…So turn off the TV, ‘cause that’s what others see.”

Those of us with a TV habit can attest to TV’s writing-time-wasting effect. As artists, we may applaud TV’s ability to allow millions across the globe to share the same bank of stories and images. In other ways, TV’s visual, corporate-sponsored approach to communal storytelling may lessen our collective ability to imagine a plot line for ourselves, without a Hollywood studio’s help. Before you completely dismiss television as a drain on our imaginations, though, consider this: at a book festival in my hometown, prolific—and best-selling—author Linda Lael Miller was asked where she gets her ideas. She cited TV as one of her inspirations, along with country music.

–“…I will learn by studying the lessons in my dreams…”

There truly is a craft to writing. Before we can write that best-seller, we have to learn the nuts and bolts of grammar, punctuation, structure, etc. We begin learning this in school. We read great books and dissect their greatness. We practice, fail, practice some more. Our teachers, tutors, professors, and mentors help us along the way, imparting the knowledge of the craft to us. Books, writers’ conferences, and websites can teach us still more. At some point, though, our writing has to come from somewhere inside of us. Call that “somewhere” what you will: the right hemisphere of the brain, the subconscious, the soul, the muse. Whatever name it goes by, it gives us our best ideas, often when we least expect them. Sometimes they literally come in dreams as we sleep. I’ve had some great ideas just before falling asleep and as I’m waking. Ideas can come at any time, and it’s in our best interest to follow these flashes of inspiration. We can also speak our dreams into reality: the moment we have the courage to name ourselves “writer,” we start to make it true.

–“…Doing things my own way and never giving up…”

Every piece of writing we submit will be expected to follow the publisher’s guidelines. The key word there is “guide.” Writing may be a craft, but it is also an art, and artists have many times been rewarded (professionally or personally) for disregarding the rules and following their intuition. We should do things our own way and write to please ourselves first. Along with that, we have to have persistence. If we’ve studied our craft well, edited judiciously, and written something interesting and worthwhile, our work will be acknowledged, even if that acknowledgment takes longer than we’d like. Never give up.

–“…I can’t work a job, like any other slob, punchin’ in and punchin’ out and suckin’ up to Bob…”

One of the unfortunate truths of the writing profession is an extremely small percentage of us will ever reach the level of success of the top popular authors. Hugo Award-winning science fiction writer Joe Haldeman, at the book festival I mentioned earlier, likened his income to that of “a good used-car salesman.” Most of us will never be able to quit our day jobs. This doesn’t mean working as a full-time writer, spending all day every day doing the thing we love most, isn’t a worthwhile goal. Some days feels as if life has unfairly saddled us with a desire to do nothing else but read and write, then forced us to do some other work to pay the bills. With persistence and a little luck, though, many of us will find ways to carve out a living…even if we always feel like the proverbial “starving artist.”

–“…There isn’t anybody else exactly quite like me…”

Writers each have our own unique voices, just as the singers of rock bands do. By listening to our dreams, doing things our own way, and working at our craft, we will all create our personal styles. If we get our styles just right, our readers will know our voices without even seeing our bylines. You know Hemingway when you read him, don’t you? Or Edgar Allan Poe? Find your voice, and you’ll find yourself an audience.

In pop-rock songs, the words of the chorus are often repeated. In this case, the last line of
“Troublemaker” bears repeating. When you think of your writing career, remember these three final words: “Never giving up.”

Erin O’Riordan lives in the Midwestern United States with her husband, her co-author on a series of crime thrillers. She also writes the Pagan Spirits romance novel series. Her short stories, essays, and film reviews have been published in numerous anthologies, magazines and websites. A trap designed to catch her should contain dark chocolate, espresso drinks and Christian Bale movies.

You can find Erin:
Melange Books

>Writers Are Troublemakers, Too

>My guest today, Erin O’Riordan, currently has a FREE erotica anthology available at Smashwords through 7/31

…And I don’t need a single book to teach me how to read
Who needs stupid books? They are for petty crooks…”

(“Troublemaker,” lyrics by Rivers Cuomo. From Weezer’s self-titled 2008 album)

Okay, so at first glance, Weezer’s pop-rock tune “Troublemaker” hardly seems like inspiration for us writers. No one wants to be called a “petty crook,” and the L.A.-based alternative rock band’s sound isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. (Some of the lyrics, though not the ones I’ll be discussing, are also slightly risque.) The guys of Weezer have come up with some quite original and witty lyrics over the years, though, and on closer inspection, “Troublemaker” has some good lessons for writers after all. Consider some of the lines that follow the “petty crooks” remark:

–“…So turn off the TV, ‘cause that’s what others see.”

Those of us with a TV habit can attest to TV’s writing-time-wasting effect. As artists, we may applaud TV’s ability to allow millions across the globe to share the same bank of stories and images. In other ways, TV’s visual, corporate-sponsored approach to communal storytelling may lessen our collective ability to imagine a plot line for ourselves, without a Hollywood studio’s help. Before you completely dismiss television as a drain on our imaginations, though, consider this: at a book festival in my hometown, prolific—and best-selling—author Linda Lael Miller was asked where she gets her ideas. She cited TV as one of her inspirations, along with country music.

–“…I will learn by studying the lessons in my dreams…”

There truly is a craft to writing. Before we can write that best-seller, we have to learn the nuts and bolts of grammar, punctuation, structure, etc. We begin learning this in school. We read great books and dissect their greatness. We practice, fail, practice some more. Our teachers, tutors, professors, and mentors help us along the way, imparting the knowledge of the craft to us. Books, writers’ conferences, and websites can teach us still more. At some point, though, our writing has to come from somewhere inside of us. Call that “somewhere” what you will: the right hemisphere of the brain, the subconscious, the soul, the muse. Whatever name it goes by, it gives us our best ideas, often when we least expect them. Sometimes they literally come in dreams as we sleep. I’ve had some great ideas just before falling asleep and as I’m waking. Ideas can come at any time, and it’s in our best interest to follow these flashes of inspiration. We can also speak our dreams into reality: the moment we have the courage to name ourselves “writer,” we start to make it true.

–“…Doing things my own way and never giving up…”

Every piece of writing we submit will be expected to follow the publisher’s guidelines. The key word there is “guide.” Writing may be a craft, but it is also an art, and artists have many times been rewarded (professionally or personally) for disregarding the rules and following their intuition. We should do things our own way and write to please ourselves first. Along with that, we have to have persistence. If we’ve studied our craft well, edited judiciously, and written something interesting and worthwhile, our work will be acknowledged, even if that acknowledgment takes longer than we’d like. Never give up.

–“…I can’t work a job, like any other slob, punchin’ in and punchin’ out and suckin’ up to Bob…”

One of the unfortunate truths of the writing profession is an extremely small percentage of us will ever reach the level of success of the top popular authors. Hugo Award-winning science fiction writer Joe Haldeman, at the book festival I mentioned earlier, likened his income to that of “a good used-car salesman.” Most of us will never be able to quit our day jobs. This doesn’t mean working as a full-time writer, spending all day every day doing the thing we love most, isn’t a worthwhile goal. Some days feels as if life has unfairly saddled us with a desire to do nothing else but read and write, then forced us to do some other work to pay the bills. With persistence and a little luck, though, many of us will find ways to carve out a living…even if we always feel like the proverbial “starving artist.”

–“…There isn’t anybody else exactly quite like me…”

Writers each have our own unique voices, just as the singers of rock bands do. By listening to our dreams, doing things our own way, and working at our craft, we will all create our personal styles. If we get our styles just right, our readers will know our voices without even seeing our bylines. You know Hemingway when you read him, don’t you? Or Edgar Allan Poe? Find your voice, and you’ll find yourself an audience.

In pop-rock songs, the words of the chorus are often repeated. In this case, the last line of
“Troublemaker” bears repeating. When you think of your writing career, remember these three final words: “Never giving up.”

Erin O’Riordan lives in the Midwestern United States with her husband, her co-author on a series of crime thrillers. She also writes the Pagan Spirits romance novel series. Her short stories, essays, and film reviews have been published in numerous anthologies, magazines and websites. A trap designed to catch her should contain dark chocolate, espresso drinks and Christian Bale movies.

You can find Erin:
Melange Books