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Daily Word Count Progress

>Word Count & Keeping Up

> As you can see, my word count has been somewhat sketchy lately. Either fatigue from work or craziness from the family has been interfering.

But I’ve taken some steps to address those issues and hoping this coming week will be better.

And although not perfect, I’m still happy with the totals. Always seeking improvement. But sometimes keeping up with work, travel, family and health feels like running up the down escalator.

Word Count & Keeping Up

> As you can see, my word count has been somewhat sketchy lately. Either fatigue from work or craziness from the family has been interfering.

But I’ve taken some steps to address those issues and hoping this coming week will be better.

And although not perfect, I’m still happy with the totals. Always seeking improvement. But sometimes keeping up with work, travel, family and health feels like running up the down escalator.

Daily Word Count Progress

>Yesterday was filled with driving and working. For whatever reason, I was exhausted…more than usual. So I listened to my body and went right to bed after work. Today, I felt much stronger and got 1700 words banged out. But, it’s a transition.

You know, those in the middle of a chapter where you can’t use a scene break or a chapter break, but you’ve got to get your characters through something or from one place to another while making it interesting or suspenseful… GAH.

Transitions are not my favorite. And it seems even love scenes are wearing on me. My CP and I are in agreement that we’d both rather write an action scene to a sex scene right now. Since we both write romance…that’s a problem.

There’s always genre jumping right? Maybe we’ll switch over to mainstream or thriller or ….??
Or maybe we’ll just tough it out and write the damned love scene.

>Daily Word Count Progress

>Yesterday was filled with driving and working. For whatever reason, I was exhausted…more than usual. So I listened to my body and went right to bed after work. Today, I felt much stronger and got 1700 words banged out. But, it’s a transition.

You know, those in the middle of a chapter where you can’t use a scene break or a chapter break, but you’ve got to get your characters through something or from one place to another while making it interesting or suspenseful… GAH.

Transitions are not my favorite. And it seems even love scenes are wearing on me. My CP and I are in agreement that we’d both rather write an action scene to a sex scene right now. Since we both write romance…that’s a problem.

There’s always genre jumping right? Maybe we’ll switch over to mainstream or thriller or ….??
Or maybe we’ll just tough it out and write the damned love scene.


>Okay, this graph looks better than yesterday, but honestly, I don’t think I wrote any more today than I did yesterday, and I know for a fact that I spent just as much time on the WIP.

I may have to develop a different graph to use for edits. They are a different breed of work altogether.

But I had a great day today. I’m sure I’ll pay for it tomorrow — workwise…not my favorite setup. On the bright side, it is my Friday. Yippee!!


>Okay, this graph looks better than yesterday, but honestly, I don’t think I wrote any more today than I did yesterday, and I know for a fact that I spent just as much time on the WIP.

I may have to develop a different graph to use for edits. They are a different breed of work altogether.

But I had a great day today. I’m sure I’ll pay for it tomorrow — workwise…not my favorite setup. On the bright side, it is my Friday. Yippee!!