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catherine mann

Catherine Mann is in the HOT ZONE!!

>It’s no secret I’m an Alpha, military-type hero lover, right?  I’ve probably made that plenty clear somewhere along the way, haven’t I?   Well, we’ve definitely got some yummy Alpha military yumminess going on here today!

Catherine Mann visits with info on her new release, HOT ZONE, Book 2 in her Elite Force series featuring hunky Pararescuemen. And she also shares some fun personal facts as well.

Make sure you comment about your favorite aspect of the military romantic suspense genre
to enter the giveaway for one of Catherine’s novels up for grabs today!


Days full of danger…
For Pararescueman Master Sergeant Hugh Franco, it’s all about saving other people’s lives. Then he moves on. But when he pulls beautiful Amelia Bailey and her adopted nephew from the rubble of a catastrophic earthquake, he finds himself entangled in their lives in ways he could never have imagined…

And desire-filled nights…
Amelia’s trip to the Bahamas to help with an international adoption has been no vacation, but the hardest part is yet to come. As Amelia and Hugh are pulled unawares into a deadly smuggling scheme, simmering beneath their growing need to protect each other is a compelling attraction they’re both determined to deny…

“Elite Force” series:
Book 1: COVER ME, July 2011
Book 2: HOT ZONE, December 2011
Book 3: UNDER FIRE, May 2012

“Mann’s tender yet heart-pounding story vividly creates the chaos of both disasters and love.”
– Booklist

Catherine, tell us about your upcoming release, HOT ZONE.
Thanks so much for having me here on your blog today! I’m thrilled to be celebrating the release of HOT ZONE, the second book in my “Elite Force” series about Air Force pararescuemen. They’re also known as PJs, in reference to their earlier days when they were called Para Jumpers.

What’s your favorite thing about HOT ZONE?
Having the opportunity to showcase these unsung military heroes who live by the motto “These things we do that others may live.”

What sparked the idea for this series?
I’ve long been fascinated by this basically unknown military unit – a very small unit. There are only about 350 pararescuemen total and they go through much of the same grueling training as other special ops individuals.

What creates the biggest conflict between your hero and heroine?
My hero falls in love too easily (he’s been married 3 times!) My heroine lost the love of her life and wants nothing to do with that kind of heartbreak again.

What is your strategy in creating villains?
Ahhhh, villains! I love creating villains with unexpected nuances. Villains should have reasons and motivations, even if they’re twisted. And this villain has definitely twisted by years of abuse as a child… But if I say more, it’ll give away part of the story!

What was the hardest part of this book to write and why?
The heroine works with therapy dogs, trained to help military vets suffering from PTSD. As a military wife, writing about that kind of pain carried by our veterans was especially difficult.

What do you love most about this series?
Writing about smoking hot alpha males in uniform!! (And finding the perfect heroine to conquer each hero’s heart. 😉

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Suzanne Brockmann has – without question – been a generous mentor from the very start of my writing career. She has shared her time, her insights, her readers, her support. She’s a gifted and caring person. I can never thank her enough.

How does your family view your writing career?
My kids and husband are every bit as proud of me as I am of them! (And that’s a lot!) My kids love to embarrass me in book stores by shouting at the top of their lungs, “Oh my God! Is that THE Catherine Mann?!”

What entity do you feel supports you most in your writing career outside of family members?
I have the best critique partner a writer could ever ask for! Harlequin Blaze & Historical author Joanne Rock has been my critique partner since long before either of us made that first sale. Now, Joanne’s written about 50 books and I’ve written over 40, and she still has the most awesome insights to share.

What is your writing routine?

Write until my vision blurs? LOL! Okay, seriously, I set page counts for each week. If I meet my goal by Friday, I get the weekend off. If I don’t, I have to work through the weekend to catch up. This also provides incentive to my family to stay out of my hair during the week if they want to play on the weekend.

What are you reading now?
I just finished J.R. Ward’s ENVY.

What is in your TBR pile?
I just preordered Joanna Bourne’s THE BLACK HAWK. (By the time this interview goes live, I will have read it!)

What is your preferred genre to read for pleasure?
Honestly, I’m a very eclectic reader across genres, although I do have to say I’m happiest when a book has at least some romantic thread.

Do you have a second career? (Yes, motherhood counts!)
My flyboy husband and I have four children, although three have left the nest for college now. And I also serve on the Board of Directors for my local Humane Society.

What did you do before you became a full-time writer?
I have a Master’s degree in Theater and I worked as a theater school director in Charleston, SC.

How do you develop your plots and characters? Do you use any set formula?
I’m a big fan of Christopher Vogler’s THE WRITER’S JOURNEY. I use it for plotting – great in helping tie in emotional turning points with plot landmarks.

What would you write if you could do write anything you wanted to write?
I’m absolutely blessed to be writing exactly what I want to write. 🙂

What do you most like about writing? Least like?
I love being able to wear my PJs all day long if I wish. Although sometimes, I miss having people around me. I guess that’s why I spend so much time online!

What would you say is your biggest writing quirk?
I foster puppies and special needs dogs for my local shelter, so it’s not unusual for me to be writing with a pack of 4-6 dogs at my feet.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
Read. Watch movies with my family. Walk my dogs. I’m a homebody!

What are your current projects?
HOT ZONE, “Elite Force” bk 2, Sourcebooks – out now!
PROTECTOR, “Dark Ops” bk 4, Berkley, March 2012
HONORABLE INTENTIONS, Harlequin Desire, April 2012
UNDER FIRE, “Elite Force” bk 3, Sourcebooks, May 2012
GUARDIAN, “Dark Ops” bk 5, Berkley, September 2012

Do You Have Any Undiscovered Or Hidden Talents?
I worked as a puppeteer to make extra money in graduate school.

Do You Believe That The Cup Is Half Empty Or Half Full?

Are You An Introvert Or An Extrovert?
I’m a shy extrovert. 🙂

Are You A Window Person Or An Aisle Person?

Aisle!!! I feel too closed in by the window.

Do You Like Short Or Long Hair On A Guy?
Military cut short or completely shaved. Very hot!

Ever Hit A Jackpot On A Slot Machine?
Nope. Not a gambler. Would rather spend my money on a meal out or a new outfit.

Are You Afraid Of Heights?
Not in love with them.

Do you prefer your mattress soft or hard?

How many pillows do you like to sleep with?
As many pillows as I can fit on the bed.

Which do you like more—rainy days or snowy days?
Rainy days! I’m only a fan of snow on Christmas Day. The rest of the year, I prefer my warm beach.

What is Your Favorite Beverage?
I’m trying to give up Diet Cokes – not easy! So I guess I would say chocolate tea is my current favorite.

Are You A Heavy Or Light Sleeper?
Used to be a deep sleeper, but after so many years of keeping my ears open for the kids during the night, I’ve become a light sleeper.

Are you a night or a morning person?
Night owl. Totally.

At The Beach Would You Rather Play In The Sand, Or Play In The Water?
Read a book while lounging in a beach chair.

How do you keep in touch with your readers?
I can always be found online:
Website: http://catherinemann.com
Facebook: Catherine Mann (author)
Twitter: CatherineMann1
e-mail: Catherine@CatherineMann.com

USA Today bestseller Catherine Mann has over two million books in print in more than twenty countries. A RITA Award winning author, she writes military suspense for Sourcebooks and Berkley, as well as steamy romances for Harlequin Desire. Catherine resides in Florida with her military flyboy husband and their four children.

What is your favorite aspect of the military romantic suspense genre? 
Comment to enter the giveaway for one of Catherine’s novels or bookmarks up for grabs today!

>Catherine Mann is in the HOT ZONE!!

>It’s no secret I’m an Alpha, military-type hero lover, right?  I’ve probably made that plenty clear somewhere along the way, haven’t I?   Well, we’ve definitely got some yummy Alpha military yumminess going on here today!

Catherine Mann visits with info on her new release, HOT ZONE, Book 2 in her Elite Force series featuring hunky Pararescuemen. And she also shares some fun personal facts as well.

Make sure you comment about your favorite aspect of the military romantic suspense genre
to enter the giveaway for one of Catherine’s novels up for grabs today!


Days full of danger…
For Pararescueman Master Sergeant Hugh Franco, it’s all about saving other people’s lives. Then he moves on. But when he pulls beautiful Amelia Bailey and her adopted nephew from the rubble of a catastrophic earthquake, he finds himself entangled in their lives in ways he could never have imagined…

And desire-filled nights…
Amelia’s trip to the Bahamas to help with an international adoption has been no vacation, but the hardest part is yet to come. As Amelia and Hugh are pulled unawares into a deadly smuggling scheme, simmering beneath their growing need to protect each other is a compelling attraction they’re both determined to deny…

“Elite Force” series:
Book 1: COVER ME, July 2011
Book 2: HOT ZONE, December 2011
Book 3: UNDER FIRE, May 2012

“Mann’s tender yet heart-pounding story vividly creates the chaos of both disasters and love.”
– Booklist

Catherine, tell us about your upcoming release, HOT ZONE.
Thanks so much for having me here on your blog today! I’m thrilled to be celebrating the release of HOT ZONE, the second book in my “Elite Force” series about Air Force pararescuemen. They’re also known as PJs, in reference to their earlier days when they were called Para Jumpers.

What’s your favorite thing about HOT ZONE?
Having the opportunity to showcase these unsung military heroes who live by the motto “These things we do that others may live.”

What sparked the idea for this series?
I’ve long been fascinated by this basically unknown military unit – a very small unit. There are only about 350 pararescuemen total and they go through much of the same grueling training as other special ops individuals.

What creates the biggest conflict between your hero and heroine?
My hero falls in love too easily (he’s been married 3 times!) My heroine lost the love of her life and wants nothing to do with that kind of heartbreak again.

What is your strategy in creating villains?
Ahhhh, villains! I love creating villains with unexpected nuances. Villains should have reasons and motivations, even if they’re twisted. And this villain has definitely twisted by years of abuse as a child… But if I say more, it’ll give away part of the story!

What was the hardest part of this book to write and why?
The heroine works with therapy dogs, trained to help military vets suffering from PTSD. As a military wife, writing about that kind of pain carried by our veterans was especially difficult.

What do you love most about this series?
Writing about smoking hot alpha males in uniform!! (And finding the perfect heroine to conquer each hero’s heart. 😉

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Suzanne Brockmann has – without question – been a generous mentor from the very start of my writing career. She has shared her time, her insights, her readers, her support. She’s a gifted and caring person. I can never thank her enough.

How does your family view your writing career?
My kids and husband are every bit as proud of me as I am of them! (And that’s a lot!) My kids love to embarrass me in book stores by shouting at the top of their lungs, “Oh my God! Is that THE Catherine Mann?!”

What entity do you feel supports you most in your writing career outside of family members?
I have the best critique partner a writer could ever ask for! Harlequin Blaze & Historical author Joanne Rock has been my critique partner since long before either of us made that first sale. Now, Joanne’s written about 50 books and I’ve written over 40, and she still has the most awesome insights to share.

What is your writing routine?

Write until my vision blurs? LOL! Okay, seriously, I set page counts for each week. If I meet my goal by Friday, I get the weekend off. If I don’t, I have to work through the weekend to catch up. This also provides incentive to my family to stay out of my hair during the week if they want to play on the weekend.

What are you reading now?
I just finished J.R. Ward’s ENVY.

What is in your TBR pile?
I just preordered Joanna Bourne’s THE BLACK HAWK. (By the time this interview goes live, I will have read it!)

What is your preferred genre to read for pleasure?
Honestly, I’m a very eclectic reader across genres, although I do have to say I’m happiest when a book has at least some romantic thread.

Do you have a second career? (Yes, motherhood counts!)
My flyboy husband and I have four children, although three have left the nest for college now. And I also serve on the Board of Directors for my local Humane Society.

What did you do before you became a full-time writer?
I have a Master’s degree in Theater and I worked as a theater school director in Charleston, SC.

How do you develop your plots and characters? Do you use any set formula?
I’m a big fan of Christopher Vogler’s THE WRITER’S JOURNEY. I use it for plotting – great in helping tie in emotional turning points with plot landmarks.

What would you write if you could do write anything you wanted to write?
I’m absolutely blessed to be writing exactly what I want to write. 🙂

What do you most like about writing? Least like?
I love being able to wear my PJs all day long if I wish. Although sometimes, I miss having people around me. I guess that’s why I spend so much time online!

What would you say is your biggest writing quirk?
I foster puppies and special needs dogs for my local shelter, so it’s not unusual for me to be writing with a pack of 4-6 dogs at my feet.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
Read. Watch movies with my family. Walk my dogs. I’m a homebody!

What are your current projects?
HOT ZONE, “Elite Force” bk 2, Sourcebooks – out now!
PROTECTOR, “Dark Ops” bk 4, Berkley, March 2012
HONORABLE INTENTIONS, Harlequin Desire, April 2012
UNDER FIRE, “Elite Force” bk 3, Sourcebooks, May 2012
GUARDIAN, “Dark Ops” bk 5, Berkley, September 2012

Do You Have Any Undiscovered Or Hidden Talents?
I worked as a puppeteer to make extra money in graduate school.

Do You Believe That The Cup Is Half Empty Or Half Full?

Are You An Introvert Or An Extrovert?
I’m a shy extrovert. 🙂

Are You A Window Person Or An Aisle Person?

Aisle!!! I feel too closed in by the window.

Do You Like Short Or Long Hair On A Guy?
Military cut short or completely shaved. Very hot!

Ever Hit A Jackpot On A Slot Machine?
Nope. Not a gambler. Would rather spend my money on a meal out or a new outfit.

Are You Afraid Of Heights?
Not in love with them.

Do you prefer your mattress soft or hard?

How many pillows do you like to sleep with?
As many pillows as I can fit on the bed.

Which do you like more—rainy days or snowy days?
Rainy days! I’m only a fan of snow on Christmas Day. The rest of the year, I prefer my warm beach.

What is Your Favorite Beverage?
I’m trying to give up Diet Cokes – not easy! So I guess I would say chocolate tea is my current favorite.

Are You A Heavy Or Light Sleeper?
Used to be a deep sleeper, but after so many years of keeping my ears open for the kids during the night, I’ve become a light sleeper.

Are you a night or a morning person?
Night owl. Totally.

At The Beach Would You Rather Play In The Sand, Or Play In The Water?
Read a book while lounging in a beach chair.

How do you keep in touch with your readers?
I can always be found online:
Website: http://catherinemann.com
Facebook: Catherine Mann (author)
Twitter: CatherineMann1
e-mail: Catherine@CatherineMann.com

USA Today bestseller Catherine Mann has over two million books in print in more than twenty countries. A RITA Award winning author, she writes military suspense for Sourcebooks and Berkley, as well as steamy romances for Harlequin Desire. Catherine resides in Florida with her military flyboy husband and their four children.

What is your favorite aspect of the military romantic suspense genre? 
Comment to enter the giveaway for one of Catherine’s novels or bookmarks up for grabs today!