Updating the Blog & Eventually the Website to Match
>I saw my CPs awesome new site — well, actually a sneak peek of her site, which is in the construction process, and I knew I had to do something with mine. Still, mine won’t compare, but it’ll be better than it was. Not that it was bad, just…quiet…in comparison to the new one. And even my new one will pale in comparison to her redesign. Stunning!
Since I’m doing the redesign myself, I’m quite limited. Not because of the site, but because of the blog. I’d rather design and implement 18 full websites than customize one freaking blog. In my life as Jack of all trades, Master of none, I’ve been a corporate web designer. I’ve also designed smaller company websites and personal websites. I know Photoshop and Flash and javascript and FrontPage, et. al.
But, cascading style sheets…I don’t know what happened there. My brain just flicked to the off position and said, “Uh-uh. I don’t want to have anything to do with those.”
Hence, my blog-challenged state.
So…I searched high and low for a template I could modify, and I finally, finally found one. It’s not perfect, but it’s as close as I’m going to get short of taking courses in CSS, which, after all the education I’ve been through (yes, some in style sheets), you could not PAY me to do.
Now that I’ve got most of the bugs worked out of the blog format, I’m going to add a few custom image touches to spruce it up–a cool font header, a hot fireman here, a sexy couple there–then proceed to design a new site around the blog design, so it looks — if not seamless — as close as I can get.
At first, I thought it was a little too busy for my taste, but Elisabeth loves it, and like I said, beggars can’t be choosers. What do you think so far? Come back soon to see the changes.
>Updating the Blog & Eventually the Website to Match
>I saw my CPs awesome new site — well, actually a sneak peek of her site, which is in the construction process, and I knew I had to do something with mine. Still, mine won’t compare, but it’ll be better than it was. Not that it was bad, just…quiet…in comparison to the new one. And even my new one will pale in comparison to her redesign. Stunning!
Since I’m doing the redesign myself, I’m quite limited. Not because of the site, but because of the blog. I’d rather design and implement 18 full websites than customize one freaking blog. In my life as Jack of all trades, Master of none, I’ve been a corporate web designer. I’ve also designed smaller company websites and personal websites. I know Photoshop and Flash and javascript and FrontPage, et. al.
But, cascading style sheets…I don’t know what happened there. My brain just flicked to the off position and said, “Uh-uh. I don’t want to have anything to do with those.”
Hence, my blog-challenged state.
So…I searched high and low for a template I could modify, and I finally, finally found one. It’s not perfect, but it’s as close as I’m going to get short of taking courses in CSS, which, after all the education I’ve been through (yes, some in style sheets), you could not PAY me to do.
Now that I’ve got most of the bugs worked out of the blog format, I’m going to add a few custom image touches to spruce it up–a cool font header, a hot fireman here, a sexy couple there–then proceed to design a new site around the blog design, so it looks — if not seamless — as close as I can get.
At first, I thought it was a little too busy for my taste, but Elisabeth loves it, and like I said, beggars can’t be choosers. What do you think so far? Come back soon to see the changes.